EUGEO Newsletter September 2012


EUGEO meetings at IGU/International Geographical Congress in Cologne

The IGC in Cologne (26-31 August 2012) was a major success. Well organised, good atmosphere, interesting presentations and a pleasant city, what could geographers from all over the world want more. EUGEO was present with two meeting, a seminar and a General Assembly meeting.

Seminar on The State of Geography in Europe

About forty participants followed the presentations and discussions on the State of Geography in Europe. Nine countries gave an overview of the situation with respect to geography in schools, academia, practice and public debate. Many common trends and concerns emerged. Themes to follow up were selected, among them:

– the balance between integrated geography and thematic, often inter/multidisciplinary specialisations,
– the position of geography as a core subject in primary and secondary education, and as an attractive elective course,
– geography as a leading discipline for major issues in society, politics and business,
– institutional strengthening of geography in research and education,
– new geographical models to deal with the major shifts and changes in Europe (and the world),
– leadership, excellence and prominence among geographers,
– strategies for geographical societies (with the renewed strategy of the Royal Geographical Society as an example).

A selection of these issues will be worked out by members to prepare for another State of Geography workshop at the EUGEO congress in Rome, September 5-7, 2013 focussing on joint actions.

EUGEO General Assembly

The Assembly approved the proposed amendments on the Statutes with a few changes. New members of the Executive Committee were elected: Massimiliano Tabusi  (SGI and AIIG, Italy) as Secretary General and Zoltán Kovács (MFT, Hungary) and Christian Vandermotten (Belgeo, Belgium) as members. Details about the 4th EUGEO congress in Rome were presented by the Italian members. The 2014EUGEO seminar on the State of Geography will be organized by Hungary. Finally, the Financial Report 2012 was approved and treasurer Hans de Weert was discharged with thanks.

EUGEO 2013 Congress: Rome, September 5-7: Europe, what’s next? Changing geographies and geographies of change.
In September 2012 a call for sessions will be published, in January 2012 a call for papers. May 2013 is the deadline for early registration. More information about this congress will become available on the EUGEO website ( and the congress website ( You can already register for being kept informed by email.

Important international Geography Conferences

Of the many relevant conferences organized every year, two international conferences always attract a lot of European geographers. These are:

The Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
The 2013 conference will be in London at the Royal Geographical Society, August 28-30. It is the largest meeting of geographers of this kind in Europe. The theme will be: New Geographical Frontiers. Look at the website: (

The Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers AAG
This meeting will take place in 2013 in Los Angeles, April 9-13. The presentations deal with Geography, Sustainability and GIScience. It is the largest gathering of geographers in the world with this year in New York 8500 delegates. Consult the website: (

The coming meetings of the International Geographical Union IGU are:
2012 IGU Regional Conference: Traditional Wisdom and Modern Knowledge for the Earth’s Future: Kyoto, Japan, August 4-9, 2012. Website: (
2014 IGU Regional Conference: Changes, Challenges, Responsibility. Krakow, Poland. August 18-21 2014. Website: (
2015 IGU Regional Conference: Geography for Culture and Society for the sake of our Common Future, Moscow, Russia. Website: (
2016 IGU International Geographical Congress, Beijing, China

Of interest

Europe Matters: European spatial planning, environmental policies and regional development. On 20 September 2012, Lux Theatre, Nijmegen, Netherlands. Website: (
Geographical Society of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Third Congress of the Geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, second week of October 2012 in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Website: (
Regional Studies Association Early Career Conference: Times of Change: Future Directions in Geography, Urban and Regional Studies, November 1-2, Hamburg, Germany. Paper submission till 31st July 2012. Website: (
International Conference on Regional Science: The Challenge of Regional Development in a world of changing hegemonies. November 22-23 2012, Bilbao. Website: (
Last calls 7th Framework Programme EU: (;efp7_SESSION_ID=X1RbQMjLh7m5hs2jH2TcmtFz6rQZ1mDP1psvMyV1JQL8WypJbv8F!-598335810).
First calls new Horizon 2020 Programme EU (FP7 successor) expected January 2014.