This is July 2014 EUGEO Newsletter.
EUGEO 2015 Congress: Budapest, Hungary, 30 August – 2 September 2015, Eötvös Loránd University
EUGEO is very happy to be able to announce its fifth congress with as leading theme: Convergences and Divergences of Geography in Europe. A broad Hungarian Steering Committee has been formed to organise this event. The programme will include key-note speeches, paper sessions, poster sessions, thematic panels, scientific and social events.
Researchers and experts from all over the world are invited to submit proposals to:
. The aim is to facilitate the exchange of new ideas and to offer opportunities for networking within an informal atmosphere. The Congress venues are centrally located and well connected by public transport.
PhD students and early career researchers are encouraged to actively participate and will be offered a reduced fee. More information and latest news on the conference website (
EUGEO 2014 General Assembly and Seminar on Wednesday August 18, 6-8 pm (At IGU Regional Conference, Kraków, Poland)

The 2015 EUGEO General Assembly meeting will be held during the IGU Regional Conference in Kraków, Poland. Venue is the Jagiellonian University. The assembly will take place in the early evening of Wednesday August 20th from 18.00 till about 18.30. We hope that many representatives of EUGEO member societies will attend. The meeting continues with the third seminar on the State of Geography and Geographical Societies in Europe. This time, we want to discuss the final results of the participation of EUGEO in the Teaching Geography with Remote Sensing project commissioned by the European Space Agency and the IGU-EUGEO-EUROGEO project on a new international strategy for geography teaching, including work on a new Charter for Geography Education and the Interactive Planning 4 the Future project, focussing on the desirability of introducing the future development of local/regional environments as a major element of geography lessons. We are looking for participation of member societies in existing projects and for possible new project proposals by EUGEO for European subsidies.
Important international Geography Conferences
Of the many relevant conferences organized every year, two international conferences always attract a lot of European ge-ographers: The Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) RGS, London, August 28-30. Theme: New Geographical Frontiers. Website:
The Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers AAG This meeting will take place in 2015 in Chicago April 21-25. Website:
The coming meetings of the International Geographical Union IGU are: 2014 IGU Regional Conference: Changes, Challenges, Responsibility. Krakow, Poland. August 18-21 2014. Website: 2015 IGU Regional Conference: Geography for Culture and Society for the sake of our Common Future, Moscow, Russia. Website: 2016 IGU International Geographical Congress, Beijing, China
The latest IGU Newsletter is available at:
From Rome 2013 EUGEO Congress:
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