President: Prof. Dr. Werner Gamerith (Passau)

Vice-president: Prof. Dr. Ingrid Hemmer (Eichstaett)

Vice-president: Dr. Frank Czapek (Hannover)

Vice-president: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka (Duisburg)

Treasurer: Dr. Arno Beyer (Cremlingen)

Secretary General: Florian Stelzer (Passau)

The German Society of Geography (Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Geographie/DGfG) is the umbrella organisation for all geographical
associations and societies in Germany covering about 40,000 members. The
DGfG represents the interests of geographers working at schools,
universities and in applied professions and of geography university
students. The DGfG works to communicate to the public the significance
of geography as a school subject, an academic field and a practical
discipline. It takes a stand on current issues, supports and
co-ordinates the work of the constituent associations, and tries to
build on the synergy effects of the constituent associations. Its
decentralised organisational structure is intended to serve the
particular needs and aims of different professional groups where
geographers are active, and to provide a better organisational backup
for its members.

Within the framework of the German Society of Geography, a range of
more than 30 study groups importantly contributes to research and to the
further theoretical and methodological development of geography. The
DGfG is responsible for the “Conference of German Geographers”
(“Deutscher Kongress für Geographie – DKG”, former “Deutscher
Geographentag – DGT”) which takes place every other year, with the
recent meetings in Vienna (2009), Cologne (International Conference of
the IGU 2012), Passau (2013), Berlin (2015), and Tübingen (2017). Next
DKGs are scheduled for Kiel (2019), Frankfurt (2021), and Bochum

The German Society of Geography was established in 1995. Its
predecessor was the Central Association of German Geographers
(Zentralverband der Deutschen Geographen) which was founded in 1951. The
structural changes made in the 1990s were a necessary adaptation to the
new situation after German reunification.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geographie e.V.
c/o Fach Geographie der Universität Passau
Innstrasse 40
94032  Passau