Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar is a non-profit organisation founded in 1989 with aim to promote geography and other related disciplines. Society gathers numerous professors, students and pupils living both in Zadar County as well as in other parts of Republic of Croatia. We are engaged in organisation of lectures, conferences and field trips for our members but also for the wider community. One of our most important tasks is the publishing of scientific journal Geoadria. Geoadria is a scientific journal issued by the Croatian Geographic Society in Zadar and Department of Geography at the University of Zadar. It was first issued in 1996 and until 2001 it was published annually. From 2002 it is published biannually. From 2006 all papers in the journal are published in Croatian and English language.
Geoadria primarily publishes the research results about Croatian littoral area and Croatia in general, then the research results of different geographic and geography-related scientific disciplines dealing with Adriatic area, Mediterranean and Europe.
This journal is distributed to over one hundred addresses in the country and abroad, and it is financed by the Ministry of science and technology of the Republic of Croatia, Zadar County and the City of Zadar. It is indexed in Current Geographical Publications, Geo Abstracts and GEOBASE, Geosystems, GeoArchive and Geotitles and Population Index.
From 1996 to 2011 international editorial board was lead by editor-in-chief, professor Damir Magaš, PhD. From 2011 to 2015 editor-in-chief was assistant professor Vera Graovac Matassi, PhD and from 2015 editor-in-chief is assistant professor Nina Lončar, PhD.